20 Hr. Course curriculum

    1. Yoga for Labor ®- Why it matters.

    2. Introduction

    1. General Pregnancy Class outline

    2. Research says....

    1. Understanding Labor & Presentation of Baby for Birth

    2. Delivery on All Fours - Why it Matters

    3. Support the Pelvic Floor - Why it Matters

    4. Squats - How to get into it + VIDEO

    5. Child's Pose - How to get into it + VIDEO

    6. Cat/ Cow - How to get into it

    7. Standing Hip Circles - How to get into it

    8. Preparation for Labor Series - How to get into it

    9. Your Labor- Your Way

    1. Pregnancy Yoga Decreases Lumbar & Pelvic Pain

    2. Neck Rolls- How to get into it

    3. Shoulder Shrugs- How to get into it

    4. Seated Rocking Pelvis - How to get into it

    5. VIDEO: Seated Rocking Pelvis

    6. Seated Pelvic Circles - How to get into it

    7. Spinal Flex - How to get into it

    8. Rocking Butterfly - How to get into it

    9. Butterfly Legs - How to get into it.

    10. Folded Cobbler's Pose - How to get into it

    11. Extended Leg Series - How to get into it

    12. VIDEO: Hip Strength & Opening for Labor

    13. Standing Pigeon - How to get into it

    14. VIDEO: Pigeon Pose & Standing Modification

    15. Stacking Firewood Pose - How to get into it

    16. Cow-Faced Arms Variations - How to get into it

    17. Shoulder Stretch in Shoelace Pose - How to get into it

    1. The Strength Series

    2. Elevated Cobbler's Pose - How to get into it

    3. Sexy Cats - How to get into it + VIDEO

    4. Extended Side Rotation - How to get into it

    5. Alternate Arm & Leg Balance - How to get into it

    6. VIDEO: Alternate Arm & Leg Balance into Child's Pose

    7. Cat/ Cow with Leg Extensions - How to get into it

    8. Down Dog - How to get into it

    9. Standing Chest Press - How to get into it

    10. Supported Tree - How to get into it

    11. Standing Cat/ Cow -How to get into it

    12. Side Stretch in Semi-Squat - How to get into it

    13. Heart Openers - How to get into it

    14. Reverse Plank - How to get into it

    15. Camel Pose - How to get into it

    16. VIDEO: Reverse Plank & Camel Pose + Deep Hip Stretch & Strengthen

    17. Table Pose - How to get into it

    18. Full Leg Stretch Series - How to get into it

    1. Morning Stretch Series

    2. Morning Sacrum Stretch - How to get into it

    3. Standing Forward Fold - How to get into it

About this course

  • $299.00
  • 76 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content